7 Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin and Hair

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Kritika Singh is a beauty and skincare lover. To give wings to her love for the same she blogs at ApunKaChoice.com, an entertainment and lifestyle blog dedicated to keeping you entertained as you take care of your health, skin, and hair. When not blogging, you would see her hopping cafes and sipping a cuppa

7 Amazing Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin and Hair

Aloe Vera

 Every woman wishes for well-moisturized, spotless, scar-free skin and rich shiny and moisturized tresses. It gives you confidence knowing and believing that your skin is flawless and your hair shines with health. While commercial products are good, they cause damage in the long term, and also they create a dent in the pocket. Why not use something that is easily found in nature, easy to use, and works for both skin and hair?   

About Aloe Vera 

Aloe Barbadensis Miller is the botanical plant name of Aloe Vera. It is a pea-green-coloured plant growing in the dry areas of Europe, Asia, America, and Africa. In ancient Egypt, the plant was known as the plant of mortality. Aloe Vera has fleshy leaves with yellow tube flowers and has fruits that contain several seeds. Each leaf has three layers. The clear inner gel has 99% water, the middle latex layer has bitter yellow sap, and the outer layer, also known as the rind, synthesizes and protects carbohydrates and protein.

This plant has been used for medicinal properties, both externally and internally, for the body. Aloe Vera can be used in various forms, and you can choose the gel, powder, juice, supplement, oil, etc.

Here are seven amazing benefits of Aloe Vera that help both skin and hair.

7 Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin and Hair

  1. Stimulates Production of Collagen and Fights Skin Aging

One of the benefits of using Aloe Vera is that of skincare. It is used for making face masks and moisturizers. The gel has a high percentage of water which keeps your skin hydrated throughout the day. 

When you apply the moisturizer, the gel traps water into the skin, giving it a youthful look. Dry skin causes the skin cells to shrink, which causes the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The presence of fibroblast, a cell responsible for producing elastin fibres and collagen, helps to tighten skin. Aloe Vera gel’s vitamins A, C, and E, are known for their anti-ageing properties, which also help increase skin elasticity by producing collagen. This product also eradicates skin scars and minimizes age lines. Aloe Vera also protects the skin from exposure to gamma radiation and UV rays. You will start to notice changes in the first two weeks of using Aloe Vera. 

Check out 10 DIY Aloe Vera Face Scrub Recipes For Good Skin

  1. Treats Skin conditions

When your skin is hydrated, there is a very low chance of skin problems. The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties in Aloe Vera contribute to this. Being a rich source of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants, it protects your skin from any infection or affliction. Skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, and dermatitis will reduce upon continuous application of Aloe Vera.  

  1. Conditions scalp and hair

Aloe Vera has a soothing and cooling effect, which makes it strong and healthy when applied to the scalp and hair. The best way to use it for your hair by rubbing the gel into your scalp. The gel penetrates your hair follicles and conditions damaged and dry hair. You should let the gel sit on your hair for about an hour and then rinse off with a mild shampoo. Your hair and scalp will be moisturized and will stay soft and conditioned. 

A highly moisturized scalp is a good environment for hair to thrive. Vitamin A, C, and E contribute to cell nourishment, increasing the growth of healthy cells and shiny hair. Folic acid and Vitamin B12 prevent hair fall.

  1. Controls the production of oil in your hair

Sebaceous glands in our bodies are responsible for the production of oil in the skin and hair. Any overproduction of this oil may cause your hair and scalp to break out with a condition known as seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis. On the other hand, the underproduction of sebum or oil makes your hair dry and brittle. Aloe Vera contains enzymes that break down fats and help balance oil production in the hair.

  1. Soothing Sunburn and Inflammation

One of the most common benefits of using Aloe Vera is in the treatment of sunburn. After exposure to the sun, the application of Aloe Vera soothes the skin and provides relief from sunburn. It also helps reduce scars and other sunburn effects. You can use Aloe Vera as a sunscreen to protect yourself from sunburn either before or after exposure to the sun. The amino acids, vitamins, and minerals in the plant protect the skin from inflammation, and the key compounds neutralize the ultraviolet UV rays. With the high water-dense leaves and complex carbohydrates, this makes Aloe Vera a pain reliever and moisturizer.

  1. Protect and treats diaper rash

Aloe Vera gel is a skin soother for all kinds of burns, including sunburn. The anti-fungal, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties in this plant are ideal for a nappy rash caused by thrush. Apart from treating nappy rash, you can apply the gel to protect your baby from getting rashes and other skin infections. You can apply the gel topically to the affected areas liberally to help soothe the baby’s skin.  

  1. Healthy Hair growth and regrowth

When your hair does not grow as quickly as you want, and you have tried all tricks that you know, then it is time to turn to Aloe Vera. The rich proteolytic enzymes in Aloe Vera repair and heal damaged scalp cells. This, in turn, improves the dormant hair follicles and accelerates hair growth and hair regrowth. For growth and regrowth, always use fresh Aloe Vera leaf by scooping the gel, which you will use. Vitamin A, C, E, and B-12 help promote hair regrowth and keep the hair well hydrated and nourished.


Aloe Vera has become popular in recent times. It has become a must-have hair and beauty product in most homes, beauty spas, etc., due to the unique and versatile uses. This is one product that has skin, hair, and body health benefits.

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