Why Monthly Facials Are A Must?


Hey Pretty Ladies!

We all want to look pretty. We all desire to have a fresh glowing skin. So why do you question while pampering your skin with facials. We are living in a fast paced world, where we hardly have time to take a beauty sleep or a proper meal. This irregular routine and unhealthy lifestyle only stresses our muscles and body, which can eventually affect the quality of our skin. Facials are amust if you want to sustain the quality and youthfulness in your skin.

Well you already know, but I am writing down the benefits of facial here, so that I do not forget at least. Hehehe…

Information on facial at home, skincare, skin pamper
Skin time = Me time

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A facial involves a face massage using moisturizing lotions, which prompts your blood circulation while exfoliating your skin. Facials can help in relaxing your face muscles smoothening your skin and giving it a fresh glowing skin.It also helps in slowing the aging signs and the signs of wrinkles. It also eliminates dead skin cells, aiding in generating new skin cells. And blah blah blah…end result? A healthy skin…..

An ever youth Brand with all the solutions in the Kit at the convenience of home:

Think Think…

VLCC off course! A brand which promotes facials at home. So, Save Save Save birdie!!!

The brand name does not need any introduction when it comes to facials. They are synonymous to facials in India. If you are still debating whether you should make a facial appointment every month or DIY, let me give you a few reasons why you should consider itas a DIY.

“Facial is a massage, which was invested for the relaxation of your face muscles. So ultimately we need rest and comfort”

Well, VLCC has facial kits for almost every skin type at the convenience of your home. Why am I saying this, read for yourself-

  • VLCC Gold Facial Kit: You can see this facial Kit, as a rejuvenator, which can get rid of all the dullness and puffiness from your skin, prompting generation of new skin cells, which can help in giving you a fresh glowing skin. Regular VLCC Gold facial, gives your skin a radiance which pauses the aging signs.
VLCC Facial Kit
VLCC Facial Kit
  • VLCC Depigmentation facial kit:

It can help your skin breathe in the oxygen, which also hydrates and conditions your skin. It works on the dark patches and skin hyper pigmentation. The kit has special oils which make the skin appear glowing and nourished. It clears the skin from within, removing dirt and pollutant.

VLCC Facial Kit
VLCC Facial Kit
  • VLCC Pearl facial kit: This VLCC product can help in calming your muscles while conditioning and hydrating them deeply. This treatment is tailored to eliminate the dull layer of your skin, leaving you with a bright healthy complexion. The kit has 4 sachets inside, lotion, scrub, massaging cream and face pack. This helps in smoothening the skin, while stretching the cells, so they stay youthful and stubble.
VLCC Facial Kit
VLCC Facial Kit


  • VLCC Anti Tan Facial Kit: There are very few facials which aid in getting tan off the skin. This Kit has the essential oils which help in reducing skin darkening. The kit has five products made of natural ingredients like oatmeal scrub, melawhite powder, melawhite gel, melawhite face pack and pista massage cream.
VLCC Facial Kit
VLCC Facial Kit

So it means you have solution for almost every skin problem at your doorstep and that is too handy.

Enjoy the Me Time Girls

 We all deserve a break every once in a while, so let yourself feel relaxed and beautiful at the same time by indulging in this beautifying process. Let these facial appointments be your monthly escape from all the drama in your life. You can save on the extra cost, by buying a home Facial kit, and use it at home with a descriptive manual, to make the whole process simple for you. Because girl, you deserve to shine and don’t miss your next facial day ever again.

I have already tried their couple of facial kits and I have two along with me, which I will try to review soon.

Have you used this? Do you like facials?

Live Life To The Fullest




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