Bharath and Doris Retro matte gloss 10 : Do not buy this and I’ll tell you all why!!!

Hi All 🙂

Bharat & Dorris Retro matte review, Bharath and Doris Retro matte gloss 10 review, Bharath and Doris liquid lipstick review
The worst lipstick I ever tried.

By the post title you must have already guessed this isn’t a hit product in my life and I’ll tell you all why.
The lipstick comes in a tube, with the good applicator, in nice liquidy form, with the great shade wine with maroon hint.

And that’s the end of its good things.

The problem is, though the formula is in the liquid form which goes on smoothly on lips. It has problem adhering to the middle part of the lips. Product just refuses to sit there. And if you have moist lips by any chance, it is difficult get an even finish even in the rest part of the lips. So may be after the 10th attempt I was able to get one even finish. Which lasted probably for another 5 minutes that’s all.

Liquid lipsticks are designed keeping in mind of the saliva. Because it is constantly present. Which is not considered in this formula. After 5 minutes, the center of the lips starts loosing the shade, the shade starts chipping. And then shade chips from the the entire inner rim of the lips, Leaving behind an ugly sight. If you are lucky it won’t go inside of your mouth, otherwise the bits will go and stick to your teeth.

You eat anything or drink anything, the lipstick starts transferring. Can you believe it faded when I ate Orange!!!
I have tried this many times and I give up.
I usually feel that bloggers are little too harsh on lipstick details and we are always like this is patchy, that crumbles and it doesn’t really bother the masses. However the mishap caused by this has been noted and been mentioned by colleagues as well.

Bottom point: Stay away from this and the range.
There are plenty of lipsticks which are good, and this defo is not a good one. I could have bought another L’Oreal Paris Rouge Magique Lipstick which I loved it to bits or the Lakme enrich lip crayons 🙁
This burned my pocket..waaa.
I am attaching a picture of lipswatch, it’s a nasty sight!! But I have to show this to you guys, so that you can see for yourself on bad it is.
Only good part: I will be able to save someone else’s money.

Bharat & Dorris Retro matte review, Bharath and Doris Retro matte gloss 10 review, Bharath and Doris liquid lipstick review

Price: 650INR

Have you ever regretted a purchase so much?

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