Avg.com : Antivirus app to protect your android device
Hi All 🙂
Today let’s just focus on our mobile which we abuse every day.
Yeah we abuse, I mean reading, using social media every day, specially instagraming, or just camera to take them endless selfies. We end opening too many apps which ends up draining the battery and we end up clicking on links which might be harmful.

So today will talk AVG.com which is free antivirus app for android platform, which makes our life easier by taking care of phones safety and battery life. You ask how? By it’s features!! so take a look at it’s features.
The app scans other apps, games installed, scans the website which we are about to visit. The app makes sure that it saves us from the malicious content and in case website is harmful, we will be redirected to safe page. Also it makes sure to scan the wifi network before we connect to that. In short, the app alerts us when there is a threat to our device.
It increases the performance of app by killing the tasks which we are not using currently, by keeping track of storage space thus increasing the battery life. It also monitors the mobile data plan usage.
This feature of this free android antivirus apps , going to make sure, that you locate the device in case there is any theft or even when it is lost. It helps us locate the phone via Google Maps, locks the phone so that it is easy to find it, makes the phone ring even if it in silent mode and more importantly makes sure that your data is not in wrong hands by wiping the phone and SD card.
Hides the photos by protecting them with password, Deletes the call history, clipboard content browsing history. It also has a feature to block the numbers and warns us when there is suspicious text messages,
Performance and Anti-theft got to be my favorite features. You know how we always end up opening 1000’s of app and forget all about it and end up draining our mobile. This app takes care of that. Also, very handy when the device gets lost or stolen. Being already installed 100,000,000 people; this shows how effective the app is. Not only just photos, apps we even use our phones for banking purposes, to check emails which contains private data so at that time, Apps like AVG are very useful since they guard us against any kind of phishing attacks. I say download now.
Have you installed any antivirus app on your mobile? Does your battery gets drained faster?
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