Plum Wild Cherries and Kiwi Oh-So-Polished Body Scrub : Review.

Hello Cupcake šŸ™‚

You know Koovs right? Donā€™t know :O !!
Stop reading this and go to the sale section of it like right now and you can read this later. Just goto the sale section.
If you know koovs,Ā I bought Plum Wild Cherries & Kiwi Oh-So-Polished Body Scrub product during the 50% off crazy sale.
Letā€™s move onto the review of it.

Plum Wild Cherries and Kiwi Oh-So-Polished Body Scrub review swatch, Plum cherry and kiwi scrub review, Plum body scrub review, Plum products review, Natural paraben free body scrub india
Plum Wild Cherries and Kiwi Oh-So-Polished Body Scrub

Price: 380INR for 200ml

You can find the information andĀ ingredientsĀ list here: Click here

Plum Wild Cherries and Kiwi Oh-So-Polished Body Scrub review swatch, Plum cherry and kiwi scrub review, Plum body scrub review, Plum products review, Natural paraben free body scrub india
Plum Wild Cherries and Kiwi Oh-So-Polished Body Scrub

My experience with the Plum Body scrub:

The scrub comes in a huge squeeze tube with the flip cap. The white tube can be stored upside down, pretty convenient and travel friendly. But who is going to carry a 200ml tube while travelling. The product gets dispensed easily and can be controlled.

I remember ranting in one of the scrub reviews that why all the bath products are so yummy. And how I might end up eating it >.< . This too is no less. The scrub is gel based and it is Cherry red in color. It has 2 types of scrubby particles. Black kiwi seeds visible to eyes and red micro ones . Honestly the first day I used it on the wet skin I felt nothing, I dint even feel like it did something. Only after as the day progressed I could see the difference. The skin was squeaky clean and soft. After I used it for the second time the very next day. I could clearly feel the difference, it has scrubbed away all the dead skin cells, softened the skin and left a clean feel. However when I used it on the dry skin directly, I could see the results right away. Defiently works best on dry skin on me. Overall itā€™s a mild scrub which is actually good for the skin. Also being gel it doesn’t leave or get sticky residue on the skin. Gets washed off easily.

Also the scent of this is worth mention. It is like the Cherry berry scent. If you have liked the TBS raspberry range you will definitely like this. Also you have been missing the Raspberry range get this, itā€™s almost the same.

Plum Wild Cherries and Kiwi Oh-So-Polished Body Scrub review swatch, Plum cherry and kiwi scrub review, Plum body scrub review, Plum products review, Natural paraben free body scrub india
Plum Wild Cherries and Kiwi Oh-So-Polished Body Scrub
Plum Wild Cherries and Kiwi Oh-So-Polished Body Scrub review swatch, Plum cherry and kiwi scrub review, Plum body scrub review, Plum products review, Natural paraben free body scrub india
Plum Wild Cherries and Kiwi Oh-So-Polished Body Scrub
Plum Wild Cherries and Kiwi Oh-So-Polished Body Scrub review swatch, Plum cherry and kiwi scrub review, Plum body scrub review, Plum products review, Natural paraben free body scrub india
Plum Wild Cherries and Kiwi Oh-So-Polished Body Scrub

Yummy, Gel based, gentle on the skin, Works efficiently , Cherry scent, paraben free formula,Ā AgainstĀ AnimalĀ cruelty,Ā Doesn’tĀ leave a sticky residue behind.

Canā€™t eat, Might be expensive for some

Last words:
Overall I liked it. Is it worth trying and all that? Honestly I feel that the people with the sensitive skin will benefit a lot. If you are into the paraben free and chemical free treat for skin or the experimental girl get this. I would not call this a must try but the paraben free stuff sure wontĀ disappointĀ you.Ā 

Have you tried this? Have you tried anything from Plum brand?

Live Life To The Fullest

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