Makeup and Fashion Tips for New Mums

Hello All 🙂

When you are single or just married, your beauty routine can take as long as you like. In fact, it is not uncommon to find your friends or partner impatiently tapping their feet as you put the finishing touches on your makeup. Getting dressed and putting on makeup is a little different as a new mother. Here, instead of hours, you probably have all of ten minutes to throw on clothes and get your face ready. With so little time to spare, how do you manage it all? Well, here are some tried and true tips to follow:

Makeup and Fashion Tips for New Mums, simple fashion tips for moms
Makeup and Fashion Tips for New Mums

Quick, Daily Upkeep

If you take care of yourself a little bit each day, you will have to make less of an effort when you have a big event. You do not have to take a lot of time. Just make sure to always cleanse your face to remove makeup or impurities. Another key to good skin is to make sure to always wear moisturizer and to remember to put on sunscreen before leaving the house. Besides that, you should drink lots of water and eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. This way, your skin will have a natural glow all of its own. You will also have to deal with fewer blemishes so you will not have to waste time with foundation.

Try a Couple of Long Term Changes

If you can leave your little one with your spouse or a sitter, it is worth it to get a couple of things done. For starters, you can get some permanent makeup for your eyebrows. This way, your face will always be perfectly framed. You can also get one of those mommy makeovers in Scottsdale. This way, you will be able to slip into any slinky dress that you want. You will have to spend less time trying to figure out what to wear and cut down on your prep time.

Keep it Simple

It is safe to say that you don’t have the time to put layer upon layer of makeup on. Therefore, you are going to have to master the quick makeup technique. This means paying attention to the most important aspects of your face – the eyes and the lips. All you will need to do is apply a couple of coats of mascara and have eyeliner on your upper lid. If you are looking a little tired, apply some white eyeliner to your bottom waterline. Then, tend to your lips. Make sure that they are well moisturized, and stick with lip gloss so that you can quickly reapply it without too much effort. If you have the time, it is a good idea to have a soft pink lipstick on hand. You can use this to gently brush along your cheekbones instead of using blush.

Quick Hairstyles

If you do not have time for a blowout, you are going to have to master the art of the bun and the ponytail. With buns you can choose to go messy or sleek, depending on the occasion. With ponytails, you can pull them high or leave them low. Make sure to wrap a section of hair around the hairband to make it look more elegant. Accessories can also greatly enhance your look.

There you go, this is all that you need to know to look beautiful and put together. All that is left to do is to enjoy yourself.

Live Life To The Fullest



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