Keep it simple, Silly :)

Hello Lovelies πŸ™‚

Happy Happy new year πŸ™‚ :* Have a great year ahead.

Today, leaving aside the usual reviews of the product let me put up a random personal post for you all, which I plan to do regularly from this year, let’s see how that goes. It just based around the conversations that happens in daily life. You know like you wake up with feel good feeling, smile and then people happen :/ Have a fun read .

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β€’ You have a makeup blog and it has lot of makeup in it : Thank you for letting me know, genius. F you!!! Simple.

β€’ You wear so much makeup; You already have a lot of makeup ; I hate girls who wear makeup : Thank you for letting me you are an idiot ( male female alike ) . I will just mind my own business. Our path shall never be crossed. Simple.

β€’ You already have a Red/Pink lipstick: Whoa you decoded the problem of every makeup addict. You saved our money (Bursts into dance).

β€’ Owning gazillion skincare products is good ( According to SA’s): You don’t need many skincare products. Keep it simple, don’t torture your skin a lot. Simple .

β€’ People asking others about fitness Mantra’s: Okay, this will offend many people out here including my close ones. But reality is to be fit all you need is Regular exercising, clean eating, positive mind. What food works for one does not work for others. The solution is try different foods; check your weight daily you will know yourself which food works and which not. I am sorry I cannot help you in detail. Simple.

β€’ People asking about skincare: Skin is weird, skin is psycho. Again what works for one does not work for other Read reviews, and try. Simple.

β€’ Blogger?? tell me that, give me information on this: Thank you for the honour, but I am a blogger and side by side a human. You have mistaken me for Google and Wikipedia. Simple.

β€’ Hey is that product good, whats the price: I like shortcuts okay, but atleast read the price, brand and final words πŸ˜€

β€’ That works for Day makeup, this work for night look, bright for party red for party and all that blah: If wearing n*de shade is your choice wear it. But do not, I repeat do not wear light shades which you yourself consider boring, to office/college just because you want to impress others or you read somewhere in article. I wear Magenta and Red colours at any point of the Day at any time. I was promoted at work and given hike without a interview. Because my work spoke and all that while having that Fuchsia colour on my lips. Wear the shades you love , learn to implement it in your looks. You gotta look presentable girl, why you want to look like everyone when you can standout. Simple.

β€’ Don’t eat midnight snack: Yeah my a**, I eat clean, but guess what I eat midnight snack once in a while. What will happen? Prison? Na… Simple.

β€’ Do you do franship with me: That crowd who thinks that doing friendship, talking silly, and sending those flower images on FB messenger and all those is their life motto. Do not reply, do not talk to them, do not take them to head. Just ignore, you cannot change them. It’s like a monkey got access to smartphone. Simple. There are still people who poke you on Facebook. Poke? You gotta be kidding me.

β€’ How come you are still single?: I Don’t know I am wondering about the same..Just kidding. I have-not met that person with whom I want to spend my life with yet. Its that’s simple. This question iritates, I understand. But what they want us to do? Date the whole universe? Simple.

β€’ There will be that one Person you will hate, you will not get along everywhere you go : Yes, in my case yes. I would purposely trouble them sometimes, would debate over something. But now I have simply learned to let them go and channel my energy into something fruitful. Wasting time on haters is not worth it. Simple.

β€’ There will be always one Aunty whether related or not will irritate you: Most of the time they are frustrated in their own life. The aim is to ruin someone else’s happiness. So ignore them. Simple. So unless it is Aunty Acid, Aunts are not welcome in my life. Burn!!!

β€’ Can I have your life, face, body to a celebrity/youtuber: Yea we love them but you should be loving yourself more. You are you, no one can be you. Beside they do a lot of hard work its not visible that’s all. Simple.

β€’ Judging people, taking ones side in fights : Trust me, even if you have seen things with your own eyes, heard from own ears , you don’t know what that person is going through, you don’t know all the angles of the story , so just be neutral. In the end you are stuck in middle with the bad light on you. Be neutral. Simple.

β€’ Articles telling how you can look like your favourite celebrity: I dint know my life’s motto was to look like a celebrity ummm. * Tilts the head * . There is a difference between talking inspiration from here and there and copying ones style. Simple.

I can go on and on.When I started writing this article, it was completely directionless but the more I got into it…I understood that the post was all about keeping things simple. And stop judging ourselves critically, or comparing ourselves with others. I Β know there are some random rants and sarcasm up there, but still.Β Read, listen, keep you loved ones closer, forget about the enemies/haters.Revenge,vindictiveness isn’t worth it. Its okay to say No and learn to say No.Keep it simple, silly.

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Let me know if you would like to see personal posts something like this, you know Random.
Live life to the fullest

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