Lakme 9 to 5 Crease-less Creme Lipstick Wine Order: Review, swatch, LOTD


Packaging… Rose gold tube!! Okay, Simple. Simple??? It’s elegant.
Agreed, twist up, cap shuts tightly, I can throw this in the purse and forget about it.
Wine shade. Think about it. The last wine shade lipstick was a disastrous remember?? Oh ya!!!
Ummm… But this Wine shade has Pink undertones, not like the previous one which had plum undertone and made me look old!!!
And yeah, there are no shimmers!!! No shimmer shimmer Ohhhh yeah!!
OMG look at that pigmentation!! it’s going to make my lips even toned. Pigmentation on lips?? What’s that???
But it’s creamy, it is going to transfer everywhere!! 
It’s creamy but semi matte!! Its going to make the lips look gooood.  
And Tada!! Bonus: SPF 15 and some oils and vitamin for nourishment!!
You eat lipsticks remeber?  Do you want another lipstick that is not going to survive a single meal?? Do you??
And It just stays 4-5 hours… think think!! 
Are you kidding me? Isn’t 5 hours enough for you? How are you going to finish a lipstick if it is going to stay for 12 hours??
There is a thing called reapplication.. Duh!!!
What’s with the name?? Creaseless??? Is anyone coming to iron my lips, after the application =)) 
It doesn’t settle into fine lines!! That’s why may be the whole Creaseless thing!!!

All these thoughts were running in my mind when I was looking at the swatch on my hand ( I had read it’s reviews already) only to receive the news that lipstick was Out of stock =)) Not only in that counter but also in the next 5 counters I went.

But the determined me, found it in a Local store 😀

Price :  450 INR for 3.6ml .
What Lakme says : Make an impeccable impact with a single stroke of confidence! New Lakme 9to5 Crease-less lipstick has 20 work ready shades which are not only long lasting but also totally crease-less! Its ultra-creamy texture glides smoothly, and hides lines in one stroke. SPF 15, vitamin E, olive oil and jojoba oil keep your lips nourished and healthy all day long.

Final words:
Lakme 9 to 5 Crease-less Creme Lipstick Wine Order is gorgeous Wine shade with Pink hint which brightens up the face, nourishes lips with its formula , protects from the Sun with its SPF and stays on lips for about 5 hours. Yes, it transfers everywhere but thats not a big thing. The cons it has is neglible compared to its good things. I don’t know why I held myself back for so long.
 Go check this shade and range out. It’s Creamy dreamy, office wear shades, decently priced… Must try 🙂 

Have you tried this? Do you like wine shades on lips or Wine in your mouth  ðŸ˜‰

Live life to the fullest

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