Maybelline Fashion Brow Duo Shaper in Grey : Review, swatches, Demo

Hi Gorgeous 🙂

Maybelline has been launching some interesting products this year. After launching Colorshow lipsticks, the N*de palette and Graffiti nailpaints new from the house of Maybelline * Drumrolls* is…. Fashion Brow Duo Shaper. You can actually have a complete eye kit from MNY now. So let’s find out is this new brow toy is as addictive as their other products or not.

Price: INR 245 for 0.61g (pen: 0.11g, powder: 0.5g )

My Experience with Maybelline Fashion Brow Duo Shaper Grey:

Packaging and Mechanism: 
Product came in sealed in a transparent plastic, which had all the details… Ingredient list, price, mfg date..etc etc. The Grey cap encases the powder filler part and black cap encases the pencil tip. Caps shuts effectively. The brown shade has brown cap. All in all travel friendly sturdy packaging.

Maybelline Fashion Brow Duo Shaper comes in 2 shades: Brown and Grey. I got the Grey one, it’s more like lighter version of black, not harsh as black and not ashy like grey(Hope it makes sense!!! ).

The powder tip is a sponge type applicator, more like a smudger. It’s smooth and works alone too. When in rush and don’t want a defined eyebrow look, we can just dab this onto the sparse area and we are done!! I did that 2 days ago, you know like natural finish.
The pencil tip on the other hand is little hard and dry. Its really thin which is perfect to create a shape, define the brows in stroking fashion. I find the texture of this pencil perfect to be frank. If it was creamy we would end up with harsh lines.

Maybelline claims that this stays for 12 hours, but this stays more than that. I applied it in the morning and even at the at of the day it was fine. Only when I sweat crazily and got exposed to rain droplets and bla, the wear time reduced by an hour or so. Fine by me. Being said that it’s waterproof to an extent, a splash of water does not do any harm.  Once you have applied it does not transfer, it does not move.. it just does not budge. They seem to be have created nearly perfect product at this rate.

What I dint like??? I am thinking hard.. Lets say only 2 shade??? Ummmm…* what else you want Swathi??? Blue and Purple shade * errr..I think these two shades cater enough people. Even overseas there are only 3 shades, I think the 3rd shade is golden.

Well, I am addicted and I am going to buy this until they stop making it.* Please don’t stop making it MNY*.  It’s affordable and nearly a perfect product, Do give it a try. Recommend.

What do you think about this? Bought it? Spotted it yet?? Do share…

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