Haul Post : Forever 21, Marks and spencer, Lifestyle…

Hello All 🙂

People who know me they for sure know that I love love travelling . It’s like I am ready to pack my bags at any given time and run lol. So this weekend/monday I was in Bangalore.. Dad had some official work and some personal work , so Mum and I tagged along. I got travelling bug from my parents only  😀

I managed to visit the places I wanted to even if it was just for 30-45 mins. Anyhoo here are the things I picked.

I wanted to visit Forever 21 store in Garuda Mall. So I went there walking through the Brigade road. Ahhh that place!!! Special awesomesause sweet sweet memories guys 😀 So, the shop : I have shopped online but not in the stores. That store was filled with fashionable teens and ladies. It’s really fun shopping with shopping enthusiasts, I mean there was rush but everyone managed to squeeze give space to each other . It was hectic 30 mins of my life but it was worth it. God bless that SA who untangled that layered necklace for me and found finger rings in my size. Seriously God bless him!!! If you find yourself shopping there, take advantage of these Forever 21 coupons so you can save some money!

Layered necklace: 539INR
Silver Ring set: 399INR, Stone Ring: 269INR

Then we had some work in Malleshwaram where there is Mantri Mall. I had to go to Marks and Spencer. I love their hand creams and make sure to pick one of them for my Mum. So a quick strolling there and ended with two products. Both smell heavenly. If you are rose scent lover you have to check out their Rose range. It literally smells like freshly crushed Roses * sniffs hands*. I mean I am even fond of Rose scent. And a Strawberry body moisturizer. Review of Marks and Spencer Rose Hand and Nail Cream here and  Marks and Spencer Blissful Strawberry Moisturizing Hand & Body Lotion here.

Body moisturizer: 299INR, hand Cream: 199INR

A body wash from a super market. I haven’t seen this here, actually I think I have seen the brand but not this variant. Review of Skin Cottage Shower Gel – Fruity Essence here .

Lifestyle do have a store in my city but I don’t know why we ended up in Lifestyle store of the same Mall. But funny enough my parents and I managed to get everything we were looking for. I am sure it has reached the Lifestyle of my city too but could not wait. It’s funny how we can find everything we are looking for in 15 mins all of sudden and end up with nothing when we go looking for something. I got a basic black and white strip top in crepe material, nothing special about it. But this basic tops help you a lot.

I know this pic sucks 😛

Ginger accessory section in my city sucks, we have like 1/8 th of the entire collection 🙁
I saw the ring and grabbed without trying
SA: Mam try check if it fits!!
Me: it will fit, it’s okay if does not Its sooo cute 😀
I don’t think SA has never been so confused in her entire life, her expression said it all… Bwaha ha ha ha.
But seriously guys isn’t it cute… like for 150 Bucks… Do check this out. Fits perfectly and comes in 3 sizes.

150 INR

That’s all… No makeup( YES!!!).  Remember I did a post on wanting to finish makeup stuff ( Click here) That method works!! It does work!!! I keep them in front of my eyes and they are getting over little by little. Do try. But I need to check out westside makeup range though.

Bought anything new? Anything over weekend? Anything exciting happened over the weekend??

Live life to the fullest.

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