Haul Post: One re-purchase + whole lot of new products = Me HAPPY ^-^

Hello lovelies,

How are you? How was the weekend? I had quite a busy weekend. My weekend was all about show-light/wall light shopping for home decor. It was so boring. I swear every show-light either looked like a milkshake cup or the up-side down milkshake cup :/ ( Yes, I am weird Like that ). I missed reading the blog posts, will be catching up today in the evening 🙂

So coming to the Haul, I hauled quite a bit. I was kind of loosing interest in makeup( Say, What???!!) because I was not experimenting. I was buying stuff on-line, looking at the online swatches.  I felt I was missing something though I saved some money on products and picked best of the lots. I have been hopping makeup counter from few days and this is what I got:

Faces Ultime Pro Lip Creme- Grape Martini- 649INR ( Review here)
Colorbar Darkened Summer Lipstick- Wild Mauve – 475INR ( Review here)
Faces Ultra Moist Lipstick- retro Mood -549INR

Maybelline Baby lips Watermelon flavor– 135INR.

Vaseline Total Moisture Pure Soya moisturizer – 65INR: I know I know, I said no more buying moisturiser in my last post. But I needed something inexpensive for Gym. Someone flicked someone’s expensive moisturizer, after hearing that, the next thing I did was bringing my limited edition moisturizer home :O. I was scared for my moisturizer.

Fabindia Charcol scrub– 285INR: I bought it on Shayoni of Sweet and Bitter Blog‘s  recommendation. The scrubs I have is not ending any time soon and they are not doing anything for my face. So I had to buy this and glad I did. It does wonders for my skin. Thanks Shayoni 🙂

Real technique Stippling brush– 1049INR from Amazon : The brush I was lusting for, since ages. I love the light airbrush finish it gives to face. Will be reviewing it soon. But again, wonderful blogers have already done that.

Rimmel London Scandal Eyes Eyeshadow Stick Bad Bronze- 415INR: I am a sucker for bronze colours. I had eye on this, then I forgot about this, remembered it again when I saw this in the counter.

Lotus Colorkick Kajal- 200INR: 2-3 months back , I saw this in Cosmopolitan issue, I have been searching this since then. Now It’s come out like mushroom from nowhere and it’s there everywhere. Belive it or not I have finished my colossals, loreal one, Revlon, lakme ones.Name it and I have finished it. Unbelievable!! But I did it. I have used this Kajal today and it’s U-H-M-A-Z-I-N-G. ( Review here)

Olay face cleanser– 130INR:  Love it, it’s a repurchase. Will review it soon.

Okay, I typed this, I decked up the post and went to a  Mall near by. I just peeked inside the Shoppers stop, just a peek, then I saw all these.

I dunno these Electro lip-balms are from permanent range or LE. But I did not wanted to buy one and repent later. So I bought 3 out of 4 electro ones. I do not like orange lipbalms, so I skipped it. The Big eyes mascara, SA just opened it from the box, there was no tester, the cashier did not have code to bill this, I had to wait for like 15 mins yet I wanted this. Finally it got billed and came home with me. Happy ending 😀
The Big eyes mascara: Cost 599 INR. There was a whole lot of confusion whether the cost is 599 or 600. Sigh!!

So this was my haul . I have accumulated all this in the last 10-12 days. Bought anything lately? Anyting caught your fancy? Do share 🙂

Live life to the fullest


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